Thursday, September 4, 2014

Growing Like a Weed

Teddy turned two months old yesterday. It's a bit bitter sweet. I'm sure all parents reading this article could agree with that thought. On one hand, I want him to develop enough to sleep hours and hours on end. I would kill for consecutive nights of un-interrupted sleep. <Pauses. Thinking.> Yes, I would kill for that. I can only imagine that he too would be happier if he slept consistently longer throughout the night.

Teddy in My Arms

On the other hand, I want my little Teddy to stay so sweet and small. He's already getting arm-tiring heavy. I just know that he'll graduate to shoulder-dislocating, back-surgery-requiring heavy in no time. So sad. He still curls into a little ball in my arms when I pick him up. I'll gladly begin regular 'roid injections if it'll allow me to hold him like that until he goes to college. Aside from the crippling psychological damage that it'll do him, I think it'll keep me happy and centered over the next 18 years.

Jenna and I took Teddy to his two month doctor's appointment yesterday. The doctor and nurses were quite pleased with his development. Here is the breakdown.

He now weighs in at 12 lbs 9 ounces. That's the 75th percentile.

He's 24 inches long; which places him in the 90th percentile. (Though I argue they didn't stretch him enough to get an accurate measurement)

His head is proportional (FTW!) and is in the 75th percentile too.

Jenna and I always love to inundate our poor doctor (big ups to Dr. Kapoor!) with tons and tons of questions. We come prepared to the appointments with a check list in hand. The doc is always so nice and takes time to talk through everything with us. Fun Fact of the Day: The Earth shaking gas that Teddy has will not go away, but will begin to bother him less and less over the next month or so (again, FTW!).

That's such great news. This kid is like poorly designed Howitzer. Each night when I'm feeding him, controlled air bursts try to lift him out of my lap. It's honestly all that I can do to keep him from taking flight and soaring out of our living room.

Sad, yet Handsome, Teddy

Now that our little man is two months old, we are going to begin putting him on a schedule. No longer will he enjoy the carefree days of eating on his own clock. We'll begin a set meal time with him that begins each morning before he's taken to my Mom's house. Much like the military, reveille will be before dawn and meals will be prompt. I've been told that this structure may help the little guy begin sleeping longer through the night. Thank goodness. I'd kill for that.

Happy, still Handsome, Teddy

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